36 Fun Facts About Hawaii State You Should Know

Check out the following fun facts about Hawaii State, and get your informed about the 11th state of the USA in alphabetical order.

Located in the central Pacific Ocean, approximately 4,400 kilometers (2,800 miles) south of Alaska and 4,200 kilometres (2,600 miles) north of Tahiti, the Hawaiian Islands are a group of islands in the United States that are part of the state of Hawaii (French Polynesia).

Hawaii is located more than 2,000 miles west of the state of California.

One of the fun facts about Hawaii is that it is the world’s largest chain of islands, and it is the only state in the United States that is entirely comprised of islands.

However, only seven of the state’s 132 islands are inhabited: Hawaii (also known as the Big Island), Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau. Hawaii (also known as the Big Island).

The Hawaiian Islands are made up entirely of volcanic islands. Because the Earth’s crust, which is made up of giant rocky slabs known as tectonic plates, moves over a particularly hot spot in the molten layer beneath the crust, volcanoes are being formed. 

Fun facts about Hawaii state

The heat causes the rock that makes up the crust to melt, resulting in the formation of magma. Then, once the magma has broken through to the surface of the Earth’s crust, it cools and solidifies, resulting in the formation of new land.

36 Interesting And Fun Facts About Hawaii

1. There are eight major islands that make up the state of Hawaii: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, and Kahoolawe, as well as the Big Island of Hawaii.

2. Hawaii is the world’s most isolated population centre, with a population of only a few hundred thousand people. From California, it’s 2,390 miles to Hawaii; 3,850 miles to Japan; 4,900 miles to China; and, most importantly, 5,280 miles to the Philippines.
Hawaii is the only state in which coffee is grown.

3. Hawaii is responsible for providing more than one-third of the world’s commercial supply of pineapples. – Fun facts about Hawaii

4. When it comes to the Hawaiian alphabet, there are only 12 letters.

  • A, E, I, O, and U are the vowels.
  • H, K, L, M, N, P, and W are consonants.

5. Hawaii is the most expansive state in the United States, stretching from east to west.

6. The Hawaiian Islands are the projecting peaks of the world’s largest mountain range, which is located in the Pacific Ocean.

7. Arcturus is the star that rises directly above Honolulu and is known as the city’s zenith star. It was given the name Hokule’a by the Hawaiians. (It’s pronounced hoe koo lay uh.) – Fun facts about Hawaii

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8. The Hawaiian islands were formed by undersea volcanoes that erupted thousands of years ago and buried themselves beneath the sea.

9. The Hawaiian Archipelago is made up of over 130 scattered points of land that stretch over 1,600 miles in length from the Kure Atoll in the north to the Island of Hawaii in the south. The Kure Atoll is the most northerly of the islands, while the Island of Hawaii is the most southerly.

10. Hiram Fong of Hawaii became the first Asian American to serve in the United States Senate. Fong, whose ancestors were Chinese immigrants, was first elected to the Senate in 1959.

11. When Hawaii became the 50th state to be admitted to the union on August 20, 1959, it became known as the Aloha State. – Fun facts about Hawaii

12. Each island is represented by flowers and colors that are indigenous to that island.

  • Niihau – Pupu Shell – White
  • Kauai – Mokihana (Green Berry) – Purple
  • Oahu – Ilima -Yellow
  • Maui – Lokelani (Pink Cottage Rose) – Pink
  • Molokai – White Kukui Blossom – Green
  • Lanai – Kaunaoa (Yellow and Orange Air Plant) – Orange
  • Kahoolawe – Hinahina (Beach Heliotrope) – Grey
  • Big Island of Hawaii – Lehua Ohia – Red

13. Hawaii has its own time zone, which is Pacific Standard Time (Hawaiian Standard Time). There is no Daylight Savings Time.

The time is set to be two hours behind Pacific Standard Time and five hours behind Eastern Standard Time, respectively.

14. In Hawaii, there are four counties to choose from (Kauai; city and county of Honolulu; Maui; and Hawaii). Each city is governed by a mayor and a city council. – Fun facts about Hawaii

15. All subterranean minerals are the property of the government. There are very few underground minerals, with the exception of state-owned and minor granites and semi-precious minerals.

16. In Hawaii, the wind blows from east to west. The highest temperature ever recorded was 96° F (at Honolulu International Airport), but temperatures over 92° F are only seen once or twice a year on average.

In the lower elevations (less than 3000 feet above sea level), the lowest temperature is 56° F. Temperatures below 60° F are possible, but only once or twice a year on average. In July, the average daytime temperature is 82° F. The average daytime temperature in January is 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

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17. In Hawaii, there are no racial or ethnic majorities to speak of. Everyone is a member of the minority. Caucasians (Haoles) account for approximately 34% of the population; Japanese-Americans account for approximately 32%; Filipino-Americans account for approximately 16%; and Chinese-Americans account for approximately 5%. It is extremely difficult to determine racial identification in the United States because the majority of the population is a mixture of ethnicities.

18. NIIHAU ISLAND fun facts about Hawaii

  • This is a privately owned island where livestock raising is the primary source of income.
  • The general public has only very limited access through helicopter landings at uninhabited sites, which is extremely limited. 
  • According to legend, Niihau was the goddess Pele’s first and most important residence. The island which has a population of 230 people and is 69 square miles in size, is located in the Caribbean.


  • The island of Oahu is the fourth-largest of the Hawaiian Islands.
  • The Waialua River is one of Hawaii’s navigable rivers. Water from the mountain, which receives an average of 488 inches of rain per year and is considered the wettest spot on the planet, drains into the ocean. – Fun facts about Hawaii
  • The Waimea, the Hanape’pe, the Lumahai, and the Hanalei Rivers are all nearly as large and easily navigable as the Hanalei River. The Hanalei River has recently been designated as a “national treasure,” and the government has prohibited it from being used as a “place of business.”

20. Honolulu has the world’s longest borders. According to the state constitution, any island (or islet) that is not specifically designated as belonging to a county is considered to be part of Honolulu.

As a result, all of the islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago, which stretches all the way to Midway Island (1,500 miles northwest of Hawaii), are considered part of the city of Honolulu. 

21. There are approximately 1,500 miles between Honolulu and Los Angeles, which is more than halfway across the 48 contiguous states.

22. The Wai Golf Course was the first municipal course in Hawaii.

23. Honolulu is the 11th most populous metropolitan area in the United States.

24. Honolulu is surrounded by more than 100 world-renowned beaches. – Fun facts about Hawaii

25. Iolani Palace is the only royal palace in the United States, and it is located in Hawaii.

26. The Hawaiian island of Oahu is home to the world’s largest wind generator. The windmill, which is located at the top of a twenty-story tower, has two blades that are 400 feet in length.

27. The island of Oahu receives more visitors than any other in Hawaii, according to the Hawaii Tourism Authority. On the island of Oahu, you’ll find one-third of the state’s best surfing beaches.

28. The island of Maui is located in the Pacific Ocean.

29. A number of well-known attractions can be found on the Hawaiian island, including Haleakala Crater, the historic whaling town of Lahaina, the road to Hana, and Kaanapali Beach.

30. Haleakala Crater (pronounced Ha-lay-ah-ja-lah) is the world’s largest dormant volcano and is located in Hawaii. – Fun facts about Hawaii

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31. Molokai is widely regarded as the most Hawaiian Isle. In the east end of Molokai, there is a tropical rain forest, and a portion of the island receives 240 inches of rain per year.

It is home to a variety of endangered African and Indian animals at Molokai Ranch Wildlife Park.

32. Kalaaupapa was formerly a leper colony overseen by Father Damien, who died in the colony.


32. The island of Lanai is considered to be the most remote in Hawaii. In the past, the island was home to some of the world’s most extensive pineapple plantations.

33. Hulope Bay is a marine preserve that is widely regarded as one of the world’s best diving destinations.

34. Hawaii is home to the world’s largest contiguous ranch, which is the largest in the world. The Parker Ranch, which is located near Kamuela, has approximately 480,000 acres of land.

35. The Big Island is the youngest of the Hawaiian islands, having existed for only 800,000 years. But it was the Polynesians who were the first to discover the island when they were voyaging around the world. – Fun facts about Hawaii

36. Kilauea volcano is the most active volcano on the planet, and it is located on the island of Hawaii.

Where Is Hawaii Located In the United States?

The US state of Hawaii is an island group located in the central Pacific Ocean, southwest of the continental United States, about 4,400 km (2,800 mi) south of Alaska, and 4,200 km (2,600 mi) north of Tahiti (French Polynesia).

Where Is Hawaii On the Map?

Fun facts about Hawaii state - map of hawaii

The detailed map below shows the US state of Hawaii with its islands, the state capital Honolulu, major cities and populated places, volcanoes, rivers, and roads.

Fun Facts About Hawaii (Summary)

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