The 10 Grandmother Remedies to Heal Your Working Atmosphere

You arrive office and drop a greeting, vacated with warmth and much more forced by your brain reflexes, which your colleague finds it unworthy to respond or the response feels to be more of a dutiful act rather than filled with enthusiasm than it’s quite likely that the ambiance at your office is not as your colleagues expect it to be.

Here are 10 simple yet effective tips by Prashmi Interio that can help your office environment to become more cheerful and joyous.

1. Share, share, and share

We are often amazed by the leisure activities we share with colleagues that we know or rather thought we knew. If you practice a sport at a high level, for example, do not hesitate to invite your colleagues to participate in a session/game/match, to give them a judo lesson, or simply to cycle together.

Likewise, if your hobby is unusual or if you are still collecting shells, do not hesitate to talk to your colleagues about them to make them discover your favorite hobbies and even plan a day where you bring back your new collections. at your desk.

The idea here is to encourage sharing within the workplace. Do not hesitate to also share with your colleagues your favorite restaurants, your home decorating ideas, your addresses, your places of travel, your books, DVDs, video games, etc. All in good humor.

2. Reconciling family and office

Employees still hope to have a reasonable work-life balance. By allowing flexibility during work hours (with telework for example), you will help them manage their family events better and be more productive.

Likewise, nothing prevents you from organizing a special day where employees can bring their children back to the office. The perfect opportunity to bring a special atmosphere to your premises while falling back into childhood: offering board games to children, presenting them in a simple and fun way, your work or your colleagues, etc.

3. Relax with your team

To relax your team, nothing better than offering them dedicated spaces where they could indulge in a light nap. Effective for reducing stress, resting, and recharging one’s batteries before tackling new challenges. Hire an office interior design company, their team of creative designers will create appealing commercial spaces that are not just extraordinarily beautiful but rather developed with modern designs to make them more professional.

4. Break the routine of work

Eight hours a day, you find that you see your colleagues more often than your spouse or children when you work.

Your colleagues are humans, not just “resources”. Take the time to do activities together outside of work. This can help rejuvenate the team and also help them see themselves beyond their workspace. In addition, it will relax your team and then create a positive and supportive work environment. There is no shortage of ideas, team-building has become a real trend today: escape games, games of all kinds, outings, etc.

5. Five fruits and vegetables a day

Healthy eating habits are scientifically proven to improve our physical and mental well-being. Only most of us are lazy enough to eat well in the office. This trend is accentuated even more if the workload is high and certain employees prefer quick solutions to save precious time.

Simple actions can help you remedy this, such as providing your teams with products that can improve brain function. For example a cup of green tea (thanks to its L-theanine) or fresh fruit (thanks to its vitamins).

You can then think about organizing breakfasts with colleagues or lunches outside. Ideal for sharing your favorite addresses with your teams or for getting to know employees that you rarely meet. You will quickly notice the multiple benefits of a team lunch: we eat more slowly, we share, we discuss, we get to know each other sometimes and we laugh.

6. Feed your workspace with discussions

Your workplace is the ideal place for open discussions. Brainstorming sessions can be a great opportunity for brainstorming, giving way to the creativity of your teams and often generating new product ideas.

If you organize such group discussions, you may find that some members of the team dominate the discussion, while other elements are erased more. In this case, try to give everyone a chance to speak up to encourage and encourage fair and open discussion.

Another good practice to promote exchanges: favor a dialogue in person rather than an email when your contact is less than 20 meters from you. No need to send a cold email to your colleague to ask him for an X or Y document, raise your head and ask him directly. Perhaps another person will then answer you that it is ultimately they who have the latest version.

7. Know how to use anonymity if necessary

If you’re having trouble applying the previous point, be aware that you can create a more pleasant discussion environment for your team using anonymity (if you feel the need). This will be particularly useful if you want to discuss sensitive topics or if you want to have very honest opinions on a specific topic.

Easy-to-use tools exist to help you with this task, such as anonymous forms, anonymous discussion forums, etc. Other more specialized and sophisticated tools also exist.

The reason for this? Being able to discuss freely with your team (depending on your level of maturity) sensitive or controversial subjects. Anonymity will certainly create internal debates within the teams, but it will certainly avoid creating unnecessary conflicts.

8. Give your teams autonomy

Guaranteeing autonomy for your teams means empowering them and involving them more. If the windshield of a car is larger than the rearview mirror, this is due to one reason: what awaits you, whether on the way home or your career, is always more important than who is behind you.

The autonomy granted to your employees can encourage them to better express their ideas and their innovative capacities since the fear of failing will become less strong.

Other gestures can help you in this: why not encourage a team (during a meeting) to set their own goals? This will create stronger collaboration between its members, who will no longer feel the weight of a goal that has been “imposed” on them.

9. Celebrate team successes

A team that celebrates together, stays together. You will discover that most of the successes you have had in your work are not due to a single person but to a whole team.

Make sure to celebrate your successes, whether important or not. This will not only help employees feel valued and appreciated but also make them understand that they have a significant impact on their business. Ask your team to decide how they want to celebrate their next “victory”: inside your workplace or outside after work.

The objective of such an approach is to create a positive atmosphere and establish a climate of well-being and confidence. Nothing prevents you from taking advantage of these opportunities to then celebrate more personal successes (marriage, the birth of a child, etc.).

10. What if conviviality = salary increase?

In a company, the assessment of an employee generally takes into account his objectives and results. Why not then include a criterion of conviviality and good living?

The idea here is not to favor your most courteous or kindest employees to the detriment of the more reserved and shy elements but simply to remind them of some rules of courtesy: say hello to colleagues or to people you come across. the elevator or the cleaning staff when they come to clean the offices. Simple and free gestures that improve well-being at work.


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